History of Pride & Tradition

$ 129.99$ 172.99

  • USD: $90.06 - $119.85

This painting is an historical tribute honouring the firefighters of Nova Scotia, and the Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency, then and now, who have risked their lives and faithfully answered the call of those in peril for over 250 years. This piece captures the transition of vehicles, dress and events that have forged the pride of the Nova Scotia firefighter and made HRF&E the unique and proud organization that has set standards for the rest of Canada throughout the ages.



This print is a 18″ x 24″ Limited Edition Giclée which includes:

650 Limited Edition

65 Remarques  (Remarque refers to prints with a small original sketch applied by the artist to the bottom border which increases the value of each print. As seen in product images.)

Very thoroughly researched for historical accuracy of events, gear, vehicles, and structures of Nova Scotia firefighting.

It is printed on archival quality, pH neutral paper, and comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and a Visual Legend which outlines and describes each element included in this painting.


Have YOUR NAME placed on the bottom of the jacket by the artist, and/or NUMBER on one, or two helmets, making each piece a true original print just for you! (Please see images)

*Giclées are the highest quality reproductions available in the world today.


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Limited, Remarques


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